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IOUG (Collaborate11) in Florida 2nd



9:00 - 10:15
Title      : SQL Techniques
Speaker    : Tom Kyte
Description: The presenter will describe common SQL techniques he has encountered and utilizes day to day to tune query performance. Features such as scalar subqueries using rownum (yes to 'tune') analytics, some hints, and more will be demonstrated. Emphasis will be on when they work (where the 'trick' applies) as well as when they don't work where they do not apply. Care will be taken to show these not as a "top 10 things to do" but rather techniques to keep in mind when looking at problems in general.

10:30 - 11:30
Title      : Understanding Solid State Disk and the 11GR2 Database Flash Cache
Speaker    : Guy Harrison
Description: Solid State Disk (SSD) is rapidly becoming a viable supplement - and sometimes an alternative - to traditional magnetic disks for database storage. In this presentation we'll review SSD technologies, performance, and economics for Oracle databases. In particular we'll look at the new Oracle 11GR2 Database Flash Cache and see how it can be used to accelerate database performance.

13:15 - 14:15
Title      : MySQL: The Ecosystem, The Product
Speaker    : Kaj Arno
Description: MySQL (R) is a database owned by Oracle. But it's a different creature. It's open source which means much more than just being licensed under the GPL. It has a user base of over 10 million. It comes with an outspoken and seemingly disorganised community with clear expectations. It has a worldwide ecosystem. The originating company MySQL AB hasn't just made itself known for the $1 billion acquisition by Sun and for its Scandinavian drinking songs. It also has a passionate set of founders, early employees, engineers, experts, and managers, not all of which today carry Oracle business cards. This session aims at helping the IOUG make sense of all this. What's the same? What's different? And what does it mean for the future, for me as an IOUG attendee?

14:30 - 15:30
Title      : Understanding Wait Events in RAC
Speaker    : Arup Nanda
Description: You have seen them - GC Block 2-Way or 3-way. What does that actually mean? How do you improve the performance if you don't understand what the term actually means. In this session you will understand the fundamental concepts of RAC and the reasons for some command GC wait events and how to resolve them. In addition you will learn the concepts of mastering and dynamic remastering as well.

15:45 - 16:45
Title      : The Most Common MySQL Scalability Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Speaker    : Ronald Bradford
Description: The most common mistakes are easy to avoid however many startups continue to fall prey with the impact including large re-design costs delays in new feature releases lower staff productivity and less then ideal ROI. All growing and successful sites need to achieve higher Availability seamless Scalability and proven Resilience. Know the right MySQL environment to provide a suitable architecture and application design to support these essential needs.

17:00 - 18:00
Title      : Oracle Keynote Presentation - Oracle's Cloud Computing Storategy
Speaker    : Steve Miranda (Senior Vice President of Fusion Application Development)


Title      : Understanding Solid State Disk and the 11GR2 Database Flash Cache
Speaker    : Guy Harrison



Title      : MySQL: The Ecosystem, The Product
Speaker    : Kaj Arno

このセッションは、MySQLがMySQL ABからSun Microsytemsに買収され、現在はOracleになっている歴史的な話でした。中でもMySQLのユーザーコミュニティーと既存ユーザーベースが大切で、今後も大切に扱うだろう。との話でした。
セッションの内容はともかく、セッション後の質問で(IOUGなのでOracle DBAの方が多い前提です)以下のようなやりとりがあり、個人的にはとても面白かったので紹介

質問者 1



質問者 2
「(プレゼンテーション中にあった)MySQLがとても簡単に使えるとあるが、管理とか簡単? いろいろシェルスクリプトと書く必要ありますよね?」



Title      : Understanding Wait Events in RAC
Speaker    : Arup Nanda

プレゼンテーションの内容自体は、Cache Fusionの動きを説明して、特徴的なWait Eventについて解説しているものです。これも内容はともかく、プレゼンテーションの手法が、ある意味新しい。

あの、面倒なCache Fusionの話を、簡単の絵はあるものの、基本的には言葉だけで説明していく。という自分がプレゼンテーションするなら、絶対にやらないであろう手法で説明しきったNandaさんは、相当、ハートが強いのだろうと思いました。


- 続々、会場に集まる人々(2階がOAUG/Quest、3階がIOUGの会場)

- 前のめりで聴講する一緒に行った松尾さん

- 本日最後のOracle Keynoteの様子
